Become a Publisher is a good choice to make money online with affiliate (What is affiliate? Read here) Rentracks is the affiliate platform from Japan and now we’ve operated in Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia…
To sign up (register) as a Publisher on Rentracks, firstly you could go to this link. Then, there will be a table of information that you need to fill. See how to fill it at below:

Email: Email address you are using. Make sure you can sign in and remember email’s password because Rentracks will send important information to the email you used to register.
Password: The password with high security. You might choose the combination of characters, number and special characters.
Confirm password: Re-type the password you have taken above.

Full name: You full name included Surname, Middle name (if any) and First name
Phone number: Your phone number you are using
Website/ Facebook: Your website or any channel you was supposed to use for promoting affiliate links. If you did not have any website yet, don’t worry, you can fill your Facebook or Social Media URL and learn to build website later.

Address: Your recently address. If you have planned to move to another, don’t worry, we can change it later.
Country: The country you are living or your home country. We have many teams in Asia to support by languages you are speaking.
Company name: Your company you are working for. If you are the housewife or freelancer, you can fill it in this blank.
Then, read and make the check in both “Term of service” and “Privacy policy”. Finally, make the check in “I am not a robot” and click “Sign up for an account”. After that, we will send you an email to confirm and you can use your information to log in Rentracks system.
We wish you could earn lots of money with Rentracks from now on.
Read more: How to use Rentracks Publisher Dashboard?